My name is Tracy Gale Brandt an arborist living and working in Eugene Oregon, and I am The Community Arborist . Tree work has become more then just a job, but a passion, and way of life for myself and the rest of my family. My wife Quincy, who is just cutting her tree climbing teeth. My little girls Iris and Violet, who are my biggest supporters, and motivation.
As The Community Arborist I want to share my passion for tree preservation with my friends and neighbors in and around Eugene. As a small business I will provide the most cost effective tree care possible. Please take the time to look up at your trees, think about the shade, and comfort they have provided, not to mention the beauty they bring to everyday life, and ask yourself; 'When was the last time I did something nice for my trees?'
1 comment:
How do I contact you for a job I need done???
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